first thoughts on glasp

so i made my first note and two highlights on glasp. i've been contemplating a lot about using hypothesis but a lot of the annotations i published there doesn't reflect my interests and viewpoint any longer. of course it's always useful to append every bit of history, even the parts you don't necessarily think you need anymore, but starting with a blank slate is more appealing so i went to try glasp after creating my account the other day.


  1. clunky, with the tagging system at least, and confusing when it comes to tagging a specific annotation or a whole page
  2. it's in beta so of course it's not as polished and the direction it goes to may completely change in the future but for now, it's too many features for a few use cases
  3. i may just be biased because i love the interface of hypothesis but glasp feels unoriginal, like a patchwork of github, hypothesis and other web highlighter plugins

[Last Update: 07 Mar 2024, Thu]